Standard hand book of civil engineering /
by Gurcharan Singh and Jagdish Singh
- 9th ed.
- Delhi: Standard, 2009.
- v, 1511 p.
1.Quntities units and conversion factors-- 2.Mathematics-- 3.Building materials-- 4.Timber and allied products-- 5. Metallurgy -- 6.Loads on building-- 7.Code of building bye laws-- 8.Important elements of building-- 9.Masonry structures-- 10. Soil mechanics and foundation engineering-- 11.Wire ropes -- 12.Structural tables and dimension-- 13.Mechanics of structures -- 14.steel structures-- 15.Roofs-- 16.Ventilation and air conditioning of building-- 17.Building miscellaneous-- 18.Plain cement concrete-- 19.Reinforced cement concrete-- 20.Hydraulics-- 21.Irrigation engineering -- 22.Water supply engineering-- 23.Saintary engineering-- 24.Roads and highways-- 25.Railways-- 26.Bridges and culverts-- 27.Measurement evaluation and estimating-- 28.Earthquake engineering-- 29.Plastic theory or ultimate design-- 30.Pre-stressed concrete -- 31.Surveying-- 32.S.I system.