Symes, Martin

Architects and their practices : a changing profession / Martin Symes, Joanna Eley and Andrew D. Seidel - Oxford : Butterworth Architecture / Butterworth-Heinemann : 1996. - x, 229p. : ill., facsims., plans

Includes bibliographical references and index.

Contents : Part 1. Architecture as a Profession: Introduction Economic and social factors Debates in the profession.--
Part 2. Architects Today: The profession as a whole Organisation and management Alternatives and choices.--
Part 3. Types of Architectural Practice: Issues for practices --Developing the traditions / Roger Mears, Roger Stephenson, Ahrends Burton and Koralek, DEGW Group (Duffy Eley Giffone Worthington) -- Building Design Partnership -- Hampshire County Architects development--Pentagon design and construction --
Part 4. The Range of Work : A selection of projects -- Templeton College Oxford IBM-- Halifax Building Society HQ --John Dalton Street, new offices -- Yately Primary School -- Tudor House, Chelsea -- Docklands Light Railway--
Part 5. Questions for the Future : Conclusions.

This book presents the results of a study of the profound changes which have occurred in architectural practice over the last twenty years and addresses the key aspects of the profession's response to change.
It deals with changes in the building industry, changes in the role of the profession and the debate over design philosophies, showing how these turbulent circumstances have affected the growth and development of individual practices and the careers and methods of work of individual architects. It shows the impact of change on the design of particular projects and discusses the relationships between the architectural profession and its clients and collaborators. Practices studied in detail are: Roger Mears, Roger Stephenson, Ahrends Burton and Koralek, DEGW, Building Design Partnership, Hampshire County Council. Pentagon. Projects analysed include: Templeton College, Halifax Building Society and Docklands Light Railway Stations. A wealth of new information can be found in the results of a questionnaire survey, covering the views of a statistically significant cross-section of partners in architectural firms. Some of these observations are brought together in the context of specific projects, drawn from the work of the case study firms. Through this analysis of recent experience, the authors seek to establish a framework for understanding future changes.
Major in-depth study into architectural practice
Wealth of new information

9780750612999 0750612991

Architectural practice--Great Britain
Architectural services marketing--Great Britain
Architecture Business Management

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