The art of structures : introduction to the functioning of structures in architecture /
Aurelio Muttoni ; translated from the Italian by Stephen Piccolo.
- 1st ed.
- Abingdon, Oxford, UK ; New York, NY : EPFL Press, Routledge. c2011.
- xi, 269 p.
Originally published: L'arte delle strutture. Mendrisio [Switzerland] : Accademia di architettura-Università della Svizzera italiana, 2006.
Introduction -- Forces and equilibrium, internal forces, strength and stiffness -- Cables -- Cable networks, tents, and membranes -- Arches -- Vaults, domes and shells -- Arch-cables -- Trusses -- Spacetrusses -- Beams -- Frames -- Wall beams and deep walls -- Ribbed slabs, beam grids, and slabs -- Stability of elements in compression.