Urban plots: Organizing cities /
edited Giovanna Sonda
- Surrey: Ashgate, 2010.
- xiv,: 164 p.
Originally published 2010 by Ashgate Pub.
The Graphical perforation of a public Space-- The wall and the mobile phone-- Refining the right to the city -- Hybrid cities ; Narrative of Urban development and Popular culture ,The case of medellin (colombia)-- Organizing urban space : Tool,Processes and public action -- Public Sphere in times of governance :Public action, Disputed Building and Local cultural System in a Northern city of Italy -- Transition,Memory and Narration in the Urban Space; The case of East German Cities-- Transforming Spaces : Translation as a Practice that Reveals Chaging E- Motional structures in Space.
Cities and towns City and town life Public spaces -- Social aspects.