Integrated water resources management in practice: better water management for development / edited by Roberto Lenton & Mike Muller - Oxford Univ. Press, Earthscan: 2009. - 228 p.

1. Introduction. Part I: Local Level. --
2. A Watershed in Watershed Management: The Sukhomajri Experience. --
3. A Tale of Two Cities: Meeting Urban Water Demands through Sustainable Groundwater Management. --
4. Wetlands in Crisis: Improving Bangladesh's Wetland Ecosystems and Livelihoods of the Poor who Depend on them. --
5. Should Salmon Roam Free? Dam Removal on the Lower Snake River. --
6. Better Rural Livelihoods through Improved Irrigation Management: Office du Niger (Mali).--
7. From Water to Wine: Maximizing the Productivity of Water Use in Agriculture while Ensuring Sustainability. --
Part 2: Basin Level. --
8. Turning Water Stress into Water Management Success: Experiences in the Lerma-Chapala River Basin. --
9. Turning Conflict into Opportunities: The Case of Lake Biwa, Japan. --
10. Taming the Yangtze River by Enforcing Infrastructure Development under IWRM. --
Part 3: National Level. --
11. Taking it One Step at a Time: Chile's Sequential, Adaptive Approach to Achieving the Three Es. --
12. Attempting to Do it All: How a New South Africa has Harnessed Water to Address its Development Challenges. --
Part 4: Transnational Level. --
13. Transboundary Cooperation in Action for IntegratedWater Resources Management and Development in the Lower Mekong Basin. --
14. Conclusions: Lessons Learned and Final Reflections. Index

Better water management will be crucial if we are to meet many of the key challenges of this century. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is widely recognized as the best way forward. This book illustrates how better water management, guided by the IWRM approach, has helped to meet a wide range of sustainable development goals.


Water-supply --Management
Rural livelihood

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