State of the Indian farmer, millennium study.
- New Delhi : Academic Foundation in association with Department of Agriculture and cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India, 2004.
- 27 v.
Includes statistical tables.
Library has volume 1-27. 1. An overview / Yoginder K Alagh -- 2. Land resources / G. K. Chandha, Sucharita Sen and H R Sharma -- 3. Water resources / K V Raju...[] -- 4. Rural infrastructure / Sukhadeo Thorat and Smita Sirohi -- 5. Technology generation and IPR issues / Ghayur Alam-- 6. Agricultural extension P M Shingi...[] -- 7. Agricultural credit in India / Surjit Singh and Vidya sagar -- 8. Input management / Pingali Venugopal -- 9. Crops and cultivation R S Deshpande...[] -- 10. Rainfed agriculture / V M Rao -- 11. Horticulture development / H P Rao -- 12. Animal husbandry / N K Chawla, M P G Kurup and Vijay Paul Sharma -- 13. Fisheries development / P V Dehadrai and Y S Yadava -- 14. Cost of cultivation and farm income / Abhijit Sen and M S Bhatia -- 15. Terms of trade / V N Misra -- 16. Post-harvest management / V R Gaikwad...[] -- 17. Agricultural marketing / S S Acharya -- 18. Agricultural exports / B Bhattacharyya -- 19. Globalisation and Indian agriculture / G S Bhalla -- 20. Information support / S D Sharma, A K Srivastava and U C Sud -- 21. Natural disaster management / A R Subbiah -- 22. Risk management / Bharat Ramaswami, Shamika Ravi and S D Chopra -- 23. NGOs and farmer's movements / R S Deshpande...[] -- 24. Co-operatives in agriculture / Samar K Datta -- 25. Women in agriculture / Maithreyi Krishnaraj and Amita shah -- 26. Policy and organisational support / G Thimmaiah -- 27. Index volume.
Contributed articles.
8171883702 (set) 9788171883707
Agriculture--Economic aspects--India. Agriculture and state--India. Agricultural development projects--India.