Spellman, Frank R.

Forest-based biomass energy: concepts and applications/ by Frank R. spellman - Boca Raton: CRC press, 2012. - xxx,484 p.

1.The Basics--
1. Introduction--
2.Basic Math Operations--
3.Units of Measurement and Conversions--
5.Forest-Based Biomass: Heat Energy, Weight Considerations, and Estimations--
6.Forest Biomass Sampling--
7.Timber Scaling and Log Rules--
2.Forest-Based Biomass--
9.Biomass: Plant Basics--
10.Forest-Based Biomass Feedstock--
11.Biomass Conversion/Power Generation Technologies--
12.Forest Biomass Removal: Environmental Impact--
GlossaryAppendix: Answers to Chapter Review QuestionsIndex


Forest-biomass: Biomass energy

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