Connah, Graham.

Writing about archaeology / Graham Connah. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2010. - xiii, 210 p.

Creating the canon : the integral role of writing in archaeology -- Learning from others : archaeological writers past and present -- Readership determines form : for whom are we writing? -- Turning data into text : images of the past -- The process of writing : 10 percent inspiration, 90 percent perspiration -- Visual explanation : pictures that should talk -- Pleasing everyone : writing for different types of publication -- Publishers, editors and referees : devils incarnate or guardian angels? -- The publication process : creating a quality product -- The aftermath : reviewers and readers.

9780521868501 (hbk.) 0521868505 (hbk.) 9780521688512 (pbk.) 0521688515 (pbk.)

Written communication.
Archaeological literature--Publishing.

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