Agriculture and a changing environment in Northeastern India / editor, Sumi Krishna. - xiv, 420 pages : - Transition in Northeastern India .

Part I: Aspects of a Changing Environment --
1 Floods and fields in the Brahmaputra valley: 20th-century changes in historical perspective --
2 Relation of the traditional economic system and ecology: The case of a Naga community --
3 Why do jhumiyas jhum? Managing change in shifting cultivation areas in the uplands of northeastern India --
4 A dying lake: Food security versus 'development' --
Loktak, Manipur 5 Land, environmental degradation and conflicts in northeastern India --
Part II: Gender Dimensions of Farming --
6 Livelihood diversification: Farming, forest-use and gender in northeastern India --
7 Gender dynamics in agro-biodiversity conservation in Sikkim and Nagaland --
8 Gender, food security and rice farming in Tripura --
9 Mizoram's rice economy and gender relations --
10 Gender ideologies and the 'price' of rice in northeastern India --
Part III: Search for Alternatives --
11 Integrated rubber farming and livelihood systems in northeastern India 12 Organic farming in the northeastern hill regions --
13A The potential of horticultural interventions for livelihood enhancement and biodiversity conservation in Tripura, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh --
13B Rhododendron conservation and squash production: A case study from Arunachal Pradesh --
14 Community-based approaches to local natural resource management --


Library of Congress -- New Delhi Overseas Office

Agriculture--Environmental aspects--India, Northeastern.
Women in agriculture--India, Northeastern.