Low carbon development: key issues / - Oxon: Routledge, 2013. - xxii, 330p.

Part 1: Introduction --
1. Low Carbon Development: Origins, Concepts and Key Issues Frauke Urban and Johan Nordensvard --
Part 2: The Politics of Low Carbon Development --
2. The Political Economy of Low Carbon Development Matthew Lockwood --
3. The Climate Change Policy Process and Low Carbon Development Merylyn Hedger --
Part 3: The Social Dimensions of Low Carbon Development --
4. Social Justice and Low Carbon Development Thomas Tanner and Blane Harvey --
5. Social Policy and Low Carbon Development Johan Nordensvard Part 4: The Economics of Low Carbon Development --
6. Climate Change Economics: Financing Low Carbon Development Frauke Urban and Johan Nordensvard --
7. The Future of Carbon Markets: Carbon Trading, the Clean Development Mechanism and beyond Markus Lederer --
Part 5: Technology and Innovation for Low Carbon Development --
8. Low Carbon Innovation and Technology Transfer David Ockwell and Alexandra Mallet --
Part 6: Key Issues for Low Carbon Development in Policy and Practice --
9. Renewable Energy and Energy Access in Developing Countries Ewan Bloomfield and Annabel Yadoo --
10. Revolutionising the Electricity Sector: Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Grid Infrastructure Letha Tawney --
11. Forestry and Low Carbon Development Rocio Hiraldo --
12. Agriculture and Low Carbon Development Rocio Hiraldo --
13. Transportation and Low Carbon Development David Tyfield --
14. Triple Win? The Case of Climate Compatible Development Frauke Urban---
Part 7: Key Issues for Low Carbon Development in Low, Middle and High Income Countries: Case Studies --
15. Approaches to Low Carbon Development in Low, Middle and High Income Countries: A Conceptual Framework Frauke Urban 16. Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth in a Carbon Constrained World: The Case of Ethiopia Frauke Urban and Hilawe Lakew --
17. Low Carbon Development in Tanzania: Lessons from its Solar Home System Market Rob Byrne --
18. Ride the Wind: Wind Energy in China Frauke Urban --
19. Low Carbon City Planning in China Andreas Oberheitmann and Ruan Xiaodong --
20. From Outsider to World Leader: Bioethanol in Brazil Napoleao Dequech Neto and Eva Heiss --
21. Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS) in the US Jennie Stephens --
22. Energy Efficiency Policy in Germany and the UK Jan Rosenow Final Thoughts Frauke Urban and Johan Nordensvard

"Low Carbon Development: Key Issues is the first comprehensive textbook to address the interface between international development and climate change in a carbon constrained world. It discusses the key conceptual, empirical and policy-related issues of low carbon development and takes an international and interdisciplinary approach to the subject by drawing on insights from across the natural sciences and social


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