Enger, Eldon D.

Environmental science: a study of interrelationships / by Eldon D. Enger - 13th - New York: Mcgraw hill, 2013. - xxv,485p.

Chapter 1Environmental Interrelationships--
Chapter 2Environmental Ethics--
Chapter 3Environmental Risk: Economics, Assessment, and Management--
Chapter 4Interrelated Scientific Principles: Matter, Energy, and Environment--
Chapter 5Interactions: Environments and Organisms--
Chapter 6Kinds of Ecosystems and Communities--
Chapter 7Populations: Characteristics and Issues--
Chapter 8Energy and Civilization: Patterns of Consumption--
Chapter 9Nonrenewable Energy Sources--
Chapter 10Renewable Energy Sources--
Chapter 11Biodiversity Issues--
Chapter 12Land-Use Planning--
Chapter 13Soil and Its Uses
Chapter 14Agricultural Methods and Pest Management--
Chapter 15Water Managemen--
tChapter 16Air Quality Issues--
Chapter 17Solid Waste Management and Disposal--
Chapter 18Environmental Regulations: Hazardous Substances and Wastes--
Chapter 19Environmental Policy and Decision Making

Presents the approach and reading level that cover the basic concepts without overloading students. This book provides a historical perspective, information on economic and political realities, discuss the role of different social experiences, and integrate this with the crucial science to describe the natural world and how we affect it.


Environmental Science

363.7 / ENG