Haq, Gary.

Environmentalism since 1945 / by Gary Haq and Alistair Paul. - Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2012. - xvi, 124 p. - The making of the contemporary world .

1. Introduction; The environmental idea; Scope of the book--
2. The environmental movement; Early environmental campaigns; Dawn of a new movement; US environmental successes; European mobilisation; Global environmental campaigns; A new wave of grassroots movements; A global counterculture; Contemporary campaign challenges; A crowded marketplace; Tackling climate change; Understanding the environmental movement--
3. Global environmental governance. Resource security and sovereigntyUN Conference on the Human Environment; Environment and development; The Rio Earth Summit; Instruments of global environmental governance; Global climate change policy; Understanding global environmental governance--
4. Science and the environment; The study of nature; The control of nature; Radical ecology; Science in environmental policy; The burden of proof; Science under fire; Understanding science and the environment--
5. Economics and the environment; Early economic thought; Economic growth and production; The birth of ecological economics; Valuing nature. Privatising common resourcesA Global Green New Deal; Understanding economics and the environment--
6. Popular culture and environment; The post-war consumer boom; From Earthrise to Earth Day; Taking action; The rise of the green consumer; Greening the mainstream; Changing public attitudes; Changing individual behaviour; Understanding popular culture and the environment--
7. The future of environmentalism; Environmental progress and change; Environmental scepticism; The role of technology; Winning hearts and minds; Post-environmentalism; A new age of environmental localism; Notes. Further readingIndex; Index.

Today environmental issues are part of daily life, a feature of the modern world almost everyone now recognises. Contemporary environmentalism has promoted a way of speaking and thinking about the environment that was not possible or imaginable decades ago. Environmentalism Since 1945 provides a concise introduction to the greening of politics, science, economics and culture in the post-war period. It covers key issues such as the:birth of the environmental movementdevelopment of global environmental governance climate science and the rise of climate scepticismGreen New Deal and the call for p.

9780415601818 0415601819 9780415601825 0415601827 (alk. paper)

Environmentalism--History.--United States
Environmental policy--History.--United States
Green movement--History.--United States
