Abortion in India: ground realities / edited by Leela Visaria - New Delhi: Routledge, 2007. - xviii,: 352p.

1. Abortion Care in the Urban Slums in Ahmedabad Alka Barua --
2. Women, Work and Abortion Practice: Tamil Nadu S. Anandhi --
3. Abortion in Peri-Urban Communities: Married Women Speak Anjali Radkar --
4. Sex Selection in Gujarat and Haryana: Some Empirical Evidence Leela Visaria --
5. Abortion in Rural Pune: An Ethnographic Exploration Sudha Morankar, et al. --
6. Post-Abortion Care in the Public Health System M. Prakasamma --
7. The Choice of Induced Abortion: Rural Tamil Nadu P. Balasubramanian and T.K. Sundari Ravindran --
8. Pregnancy Wastage Among the Poor in Karnataka: Socio-Economic and Medical Correlates K. Susheela and K. Nagaraj --
9. Informal Providers of Abortion Services Bela Ganatra and Leela Visaria



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