Elmer, Vicki

Infrastructure planning and finance : a smart and sustainable guide for local practitioner / by Vicki Elmer - New York: Routledge, 2013. - xix, 740 p.

Part 1: Introducing Infrastructure --
1. Infrastructure and Today's Challenges --
2. Emergence of Infrastructure in the United States --
3. Social and Economic Underpinnings of the Demand for Infrastructure --
4. Institutions of Infrastructure: The Providers --
Part 2: Planning and Developing Infrastructure-Rules, Responsibilities, and Practices --
5. The Planning and Delivery System --
6. Comprehensive Planning for Infrastructure --
7. Infrastructure and Facilities Planning --
8. Development Rules and Infrastructure --
9. Capital Improvement Plan, the Budget, and Strategic Planning --
10. Life Cycle Asset Management- --
Part 3: Financing Infrastructure --
11. Local Revenue Sources --
12. Bonds and Borrowing --
13. User Fees and Public Pricing --
14. Exactions and Impact Fees --
15. Competition and Privatization --
Part 4: The Environmental Systems --
16. Water Supply --
17. Wastewater --
18. Stormwater --
19. Solid and Hazardous Waste Management --
Part 5: Transportation --
20. Streets and Streetscapes --
21. Automobile and Mass Transit --
22. Airports --
23. Ports and Waterfronts--
Part 6: Community Facilities --
24. Public and Quasi-Public Buildings--
25. Public Schools as Public Infrastructure: Schools, Community, and Land Use Planning --
26. Parks, Recreation, and Open Space --
Part 7: Energy and Telecommunications --
27. Energy and Power --
28. Telecommunications --
29. Conclusion



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