Parking : issues and policies /
by Stephen Ison
- Bingley: Emerald Group, 2014.
- xiii, 442 p.
1.Introduction-- 2.Parking policy-- 3.Parking supply and urban impacts-- 4.Parking demand-- 5.The high cost of minimum parking requirements-- 6.Parking choice -- 7.Parking pricing-- 8.Parking management-- 9.The effectiveness of park and ride as a policy measure for more sustainable mobility-- 10.Carfree and low car development-- 11.Three faces of parking emerging trends in the us -- 12.A parking supply and demand in london-- 13.Exploring the impact of the melbourne cad parking levy on who pays the levy parking supply and in london-- 14.A parking space levy a case study of sydney Australia -- 15.A Case study of the introduction of a workplace parking levy in nottingham