Urban wildscapes / edited by Anna Jorgensen , Richard Keenan - Oxon: Routledge, 2012. - xv,: 252 p.

Digital talbok (DAISY 2.02), text och ljud.
Elektronisk version av: London : Routledge, 2012. ISBN 978-0-415-58106-6, 0-415-58106-0 (genererat).
Speltid: 11 tim., 48 min. : mono; 252 s. : ill.
Inläst med talsyntes.

Foreword - The Wild Side of Town Chris Baines Introduction Anna Jorgensen --
Part 1 1. Learning from Detroit or ‘The Wrong Kind of Ruins’ Christopher Woodward--
2. Appreciating Urban Wildscapes: Towards a Natural History of Unnatural Places Paul H. Gobster--
3. Places to be Wild in Nature Catharine Ward Thompson--
4. Playing in Industrial Ruins: Interrogating Teleological Understandings of Play in Spaces of Material Alterity and Low Surveillance Tim Edensor, Bethan Evans, Julian Holloway, Steve Millington and Jon Binnie--
5. Nature, Nurture; Danger, Adventure; Junkyard, Paradise:The Role of Wildscapes in Children’s Literature Katy Mugford --
Part 2 6. Brown Coal, Blue Paradise: The Restoration of Opencast Coal Mines in Lusatia, Germany Renée de Waal and Arjen de Wit--
7. Wildscape in Shanghai: A Case Study of the Houtan Wetland Park – Expo 2010 Shanghai Yichen Li--
8. Christiania Copenhagen – a Common Out of the Ordinary Maria Hellström Reimer --
9. The River Don as a Linear Urban Wildscape Ian D. Rotherham--
10. Enhancing Ruderal Perennials in Manor Fields Park, Sheffield: A New Park on the ‘Bandit Lands’ of Urban Green Space Dereliction Marian Tylecote and Nigel Dunnett--
11. Pure Urban Nature – Nature-Park Südgelände Berlin Andreas Langer--
12. Upstaging Nature: Art in Sydenham Hill Wood Helen Morse Palmer--
Part 3 13. Buried Narratives Catherine Heatherington--
14. Taming the Wild: Gyllin’s Garden and the Urbanization of a Wildscape Mattias Qviström--
15. Disordering Public Space: Urban Wildscape Processes in Practice Dougal Sheridan--
16.Anti-Planning, Anti-Design? Exploring Alternative Ways of Making Future Urban Landscapes Anna Jorgensen and Lilli Lička


Urban ecology
Urban ecology (Sociology)--Wilderness areas
Vacant lands--Abandoned buildings

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