Bureaucracy of beauty : design in the age of its global reproducibility /
Arindam Dutta
- New York : Routledge, 2007.
- xii, 364 p.
INTRODUCTION: The Department of Science and Art: The Aesthetic in the Age of Its Global Reproducibility-- CHAPTER 1. Empire " ... in a Fit of Absence of Mind": Toward a Vulgar Theory of Imperialism-- CHAPTER 2. Architecture Upside Down: The Morphotrophy of Value-- CHAPTER 3. "Tardy Imaginations, Torpid Capacities, Tottering Thought": Drawing at the Origin-- CHAPTER 4. Of AbOriginal and CopyRight-- CHAPTER 5. Cyborg/Artisan: On a Certain Asymmetry Deriving from the Binary System. or, Notes on a Moment in the Development of a Taylorist Feudalism-- CHAPTER 6. Congress: Gandhi at the World Exhibitions-- CHAPTER 7. Unmaking Beauty: Aesthetics in the Shadow of History-- POSTSCRIPT: Infinite Justice: An Architectural Coda
AR Great Britain Nationalism--History--India Architectural design--History--India Department of Science and Art--History Department of Science and Art--History--Great Britain
Great Britain--Colonies --Economic policy India--Colonial influence India--Cultural policy --History