People, place, and space reader /
edited by Jen Jack Gieseking, William Mangold, Cindi Katz, Setha Low, Susan Saegert.
- New York: Routledge, 2014.
- xxxiv, 446 p.
sec. 1 Diverse conceptions between people place and space -- sec. 2 Human perception and environmental experience -- sec. 3 Place and identity -- sec. 4 Power subjectivity and space -- sec. 5 meaning of home
Many academic disciplines have taken a spatial turn in recent years, and environmental crisis is on everybody's lips, but all too often students, scholars, and practitioners do not know where to go to read about the issues that spark their imaginations. This title provides a broad, theoretically informed introduction and brings together key texts from a variety of disciplines that focus on environment, space, and place as they relate to both the mundane and the spectacular in the everyday lives of people.