Building physics: from physical principles to international standards.
Marko Pinteric
- Switzerland Springer 2017
- x, 256p.
1 Basics of thermodynamics.-- 2 Heat transfer.-- 3 Heat transfer in building components.-- 4 Moisture in building components.-- 5 Basics of waves.-- 6 Sound propagation.- - 7 Building acoustics.- - 8 Illumination.- Appendix A.- Tables.- Bibliography.- Index.
This textbook provides thorough coverage of the most important building physics phenomena: heat transfer, moisture, sound/acoustics, and illumination. Since the book is primarily aimed at engineers, it addresses professional issues with due pragmatism, and by including many practical examples and related ISO standards. Nevertheless, in order to guarantee full comprehension, it also explains the underlying physical principles and relates them to practical aspects in a simple and clear way. This is achieved with the aid of more than 100 figures and consistent cross-referencing of formulas and ideas.