Introduction to the constitution of India / by Durga Das Basu
Material type:
- 9780836410976
- 342.54029 BAS-I
1.The historical background--
2.The making of the constitution--
3.The philosophy of the Constitution--
4.Outstanding features of our constitution--
5.Nature of the federal system--
6.Territory of the union--
8.Fundamental rights and fundamental duties--
9.Directive principle of state policy--
10.Procedure for amendment--
Part II Government of the union--
11.The union executive--
12.The union legislature--
Part III Government of the states--
13.The state executive--
14.The state legislature--
15.The state of jammu & Kashmir--
Part IV Administration of union terrorizes --
16.Administration of union territories and acquire territories --
Part V Local Government--
17.The new system of panchayats and municipalities --
19.Municipalties and planning committees--
part VI Administration of special areas--
20. Administration of scheduled and tribal areas--
Part VII The judicature --
21.Organisation of the judiciary in general--
22.The supreme court--
23.The high court--
Part VIII The federal system--
24.Distribution of legislative and exeutive and executive powers--
25.Distribution of financial powers--
26.Administrative relation between the union and the states--
27.Inter-State relation--
28.Emergency provisions--
Part IX Miscellaneous--
29.Rights and liabilities of the government and public servants --
30.The services and public service commissions --
32.Minorities , scheduled castes and scheduled tribes --
34.How the constitution has worked.
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