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Planning and engineering guidelines for the seismic retrofitting of historic adobe structures. E. Leroy Tolles, Edna E. Kimbro and William S. Ginell by Series: GCI Scientific Program Reports
Language: English
Publication details: Los Angeles Getty Conservation Institute 2002
Availability: Items available for loan: Library, SPAB (1)Location, call number: H-2 693.22 TOL-P.

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Seismic stabilization of historic adobe structures: final report of the Getty seismic adobe project / E. Leroy Tolles...[et. al.] by Series: Getty Conservation Institute Scientific Program Reports
Language: English
Publication details: Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute, 2000
Availability: Items available for loan: Library, SPAB (1)Location, call number: H-2 693.22 SEI.

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