Research ethics in context / edited by Julie Scott Jones
Material type:
- 9781446282861
- 001.42 RES
Library has Vol.1-3
Volume 1 : Historical Context
Volume 2 : Classic Cases Redux
Volume 3: Core Concepts
Vol.1: Historical Context
Introduction: Historical Context / Julie Scott Jones
Medical Ethics: Principles-- Persons-- and Perspectives: From Controversy to Conversation / K. Boyd --
Human Experimentation in Historical and Ethical Perspectives / Norman Howard-Jones --
Ethics and Clinical Research / Henry Beecher --
Exploitation and Enrichment: The Paradox of Medical Experimentation / M. Brazier --
Scarce resource and medical advancement / Henry K. Beecher --
Human Experimentation: Historical Perspective of Breaches of Ethics in US Health Care / Elizabeth Laymans --
Protection of Human Subjects of Research: Recent Developments and Future Prospects for the Social Sciences / Eleanor Singer and Felice Levine --
Learning from Tuskegee: From Moral Outrage to Integrative Ethics / Ann Gallagher --
The Nuremberg Code --
The Belmont Report / The National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research --
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights / UNESCO --
WMA International Code of Medical Ethics / World Medical Association --
WMA Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects / World Medical Association --
Ethics and Standards in Medicine - Much More Than Abortion and Euthanasia / Bryan Vernon --
Laying Ethical Foundations for Clinical Research / Jon Harkness-- Susan Lederer and Daniel Wikler --
On Ethical Principles for Social Research / Martyn Hammersley --
Between the Accountable and the Auditable: Ethics and Ethical Governance in the Social Sciences / Nathan Emmerich --
Creeping Ethical Regulation and the Strangling of Research / Martyn Hammersley --
The Ethical Case against Ethical Regulation in Humanities and Social Science Research / Robert Dingwall --
Adjudicating Entitlements: The Emerging Discourses of Research Ethics Boards / Elvi Whittaker --
IRB Reformation: Is Unfettered Access the Answer? / Kristine Florczak and Nancy Lockie --
Protecting Vulnerable Research Participants: A Foucault-Inspired Analysis of Ethics Committees / Truls Juritzen-- Harald Grimen and Kristin Heggen --
An Alternative Ethics? Justice and Care as Guiding Principles for Qualitative Research / Martyn Hammersley and Anna Traianou.
Vol 2: Classic Cases Redux
A Historical Interpretation of Deceptive Experiments in American Psychology / C. Herrera --
Behavioral Study of Obedience / Stanley Milgram --
Some Thoughts on Ethics of Research: After Reading Milgram's "Behavioral Study of Obedience" / Diana Baumrind --
Issues in the Study of Obedience: A Reply to Baumrind / Stanley Milgram --
On the Ethics of Intervention in Human Psychological Research: With Special Reference to the Stanford Prison Experiment / Philip Zimbardo --
Controversial Psychological Research Methods and Their Influence on the Development of Formal Ethical Guidelines / Katie Youngpeter --
"Torture at Yale": Experimental Subjects-- Laboratory Torment and the "Rehabilitation" of Milgram's "Obedience to Authority" / Ian Nicholson --
What Can Milgram and Zimbardo Teach Ethics Committees and Qualitative Researchers about Minimizing Harm? / Martin Tolich --
Ethical Issues and Guidelines for Conducting Data Analysis in Psychological Research / Rachel Wasserman --
On Being Sane in Insane Places / D. Rosenhan Laud Humphreys and Research Ethics / Earl Babbie --
Controversies Surrounding Laud Humphreys' Tearoom Trade: An Unsettling Example of Politics and Power in Methodological Critiques / Michael Lenza --
Whose Side Are We On? / Howard Becker --
Protecting Research Subjects and Unintended Consequences: The Effect of Guarantees of Confidentiality / F.G. Reamer --
The Myth of Informed Consent: In Daily Practice and in Clinical Trials / William Silverman --
The Ethics of Open Methods / Roger Homan --
Subject-- Project or Self - Thoughts in Ethical Dilemmas for Social and Medical Researchers / Jane Batchelor and Catherine Briggs --
The Ethics of Ethnography / Elizabeth Murphy and Robert Dingwall --
Researching Researchers: Lessons for Research Ethics / Rose Wiles,Vikki Charles, Graham Crow and Sue Heath.
Vol 3 : Core Concepts
Ethics and the Practice of Qualitative Research / Ian Shaw --
Empty Ethics: The Problem with Informed Consent / Oonagh Corrigan --
Informed Consent in International Research / Patricia Marshall --
Exploring the Meaning of Consent: Participation in Research and Beliefs about Risks and Benefits / Eleanor Singer --
What Do Prospective Research Participants Want to Know? What Do They Assume They Know Already? / James Walkup and Elinor Bock --
Ethics at Home: Informed Consent in Your Own Backyard / Susan Malone --
Improving Consent with Minority Participant from Researcher and Community Surveys / Sandra Crouse Quinn et al. --
Research Ethics and Data Quality: The Implications of Informed Consent / Graham Crow-- Rose Wiles-- Sue Heath and Vikki Charles --
Informed Consent-- Gatekeepers and Go/Betweens: Negotiating Consent in Child/ and Youth-Centred Institutions / Sue Heath-- Vikki Charles-- Graham Crow and Rose Wiles --
An Experiment with a Confidentiality Reminder in a Telephone Survey / J. Frey--
Confidentiality for Whom? / Ian Robinson --
Confidentiality and Autonomy: The Challenge(s) of Offering Research Participants a Choice of Disclosing Their Identity / James Giordano et al. --
Against Confidentiality? Privacy-- Safety and the Public Good in Professional Communications / Chris Clark --
Talking about Suicide: Confidentiality and Anonymity in Qualitative Research / Susanne Gibson-- Outi Benson and Sarah Brand --
Dilemmas in Doing Insider Research in Professional Education / Caroline Humphrey --
Whose Data Are They Anyway? Practical,Legal and Ethical Issues in Archiving Qualitative Research Data / Odette Parry and Natasha Mauthne r--
Some Ethical and Methodological Issues in Research with People with Learning Difficulties / Kirsten Stalker --
Research with Children: The Same or Different from Research with Adults? / Samantha Punch --
The Ethical and Methodological Complexities of Doing Research with 'Vulnerable' Young People / Gill Valentine-- Ruth Butler and Tracey Skelton --
The Ethical Maze: Finding an Inclusive Path towards Gaining Children's Agreement to Research Participation / Alison Cocks --
Old Methods and New Technologies: Social Media and Shifts in Power in Qualitative Research / Jennifer Reich --
Anonymisation and Visual Images: Issues of Respect-- 'Voice' and 'Protection' / Rose Wiles et al.
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