Copycat marketing 101:

Hedges, Burke

Copycat marketing 101: how to copycat your way to wealth. by Burke Hedges - New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2010. - vii,114p.

1.We live in a world of copycats--
2.What is true wealth--
3.Linear growth : trading time for dollars--
4.Leveraged growth working smarter not harder--
5.Expponential groth formula for building a fortune--
6.Synerism marriages made in heaven--
7.Network marketing the ultimate copycat system

Man, whatever else he might be, is a rhetorical creature. And, in many of his moods, a belligerent one as well. Rhetoric and belligerence meet in the verbal contest. Since they meet so often, verbal contesting has exerted a vast impact on human culture. But since man is many things besides rhetorical and belligerent, the verbal contest has to adapt itself to many settings. Thus much of its history has been a history of multiforms and disguises. In consequence the contestational character of many of our institutions and ways of life has been insufficiently appreciated. I say “man” and “he”



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